Hemel Hempstead Bowls Club

2024 Open Days

Are you interested in learning to play bowls – a healthy sport, suitable for all regardless of age, sex or physical ability.

We are a friendly club. Why not come and join us on our OPEN DAYS, Monday 6 May and Monday 27 May, from 10am to 4pm to give bowls a try. No previous experience is needed and you will be coached by one of our members.


We look forward to seeing you. Just turn up wearing flat soled shoes and everything else will be provided for you.

2023 Finals Day Results

The 2023 Internal competitions took place over 4 days in September  and the results are shown below. Due to a COVID infection and some prebooked holidays it was not possible to play the last match until Friday 29 September, some 2 weeks after the rest of the matches took place.



Competition Winner Runner Up  
Open Non Winners Singles         (Jubilee Cup) Matt Temperley Margaret Fogden  
Ladies Fixed Jack                (Ladies Fixed Jack Trophy) Linda Halls Christine Bergh  
Men’s Fixed Jack                      (Men’s Fixed Jack Trophy) Mick Sparkes Kevin Greene  
Ladies 3 Wood Singles             (Elsie Weston Trophy) Linda Halls Di Pinnock  
Ladies Handicap Singles         (Margaret Walker Cup) Margaret Fogden Linda Wakefield  
Men’s Handicap Singles            (Harry Lees Cup) Steve Harburn Alan Munford  
Open Australian Pairs                  (Sally Bright Trophy) Phil Bunting Alan Munford  
Brain Laney John Seymour  
Open  Pairs                              (Alan Britain Cup) Mick Sparkes Sylvia Ingleby  
Paul Cartwright Alan Munford  
Open 3 Wood Pairs               (Charles Wells Trophy) Ken Emmins Di Pinnock  
Phil Bunting Eddie Partridge  
Men’s Championship Pairs     (Williams Cup) Alan Munford Brian Laney  
Phil Bunting Brian Smith  
Open TV Singles                      (Olive Saunders Cup) Toby Bunting Alan Munford  
Ladies Championship Singles (Connaught Bowl) Linda Halls Christine Bergh  
Men’s Championship Singles  (William Hill Rose Bowl) Danny Johnson  Brian Smith  



Welcome to our website.  As well as being a source of information for our own members, we aim to show anyone thinking of trying bowls that it is an enjoyable sport and pastime for anyone.

Age, ability, even disability should not discourage trying this activity. You will find a warm welcome and plenty of encouragement at your new club!

President’s Message

Eddie Brown

It is a pleasure to welcome you to our club’s website.
As current President of the Club and with the support of the Executive Committee, I do my utmost to ensure the Club is run in accordance with our constitution and for the benefit of everyone.

Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you are not clear about. I trust you will enjoy the season and participate in all facets of club life.

Eddie Brown

As you settle in, attached are a few documents that may be helpful:
• Information for new members
• Booking system information
• Club’s Constitution
• General Rules
• Club Competition Rules
• Etiquette of Bowls
• Club Roles